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Past Projects

Explore a few of our past projects. We are proud of the work we've done, and we are confident that you will be just as proud to show off your own Morse Roofing project.

Low pitched roof

Skylight custom installation to match roofing

Roof preparation for solar panels

Custom cupola and weathervane

Custom snow belt on an historic farm house in Cummington, MA

Medium Bronze standing seam roofing on a portico

200-year-old restoration project in Charcoal

Standing seam transition detail

Snow retention on the historic West Cummington church

Slate cupola

Slate cupola

Slate roof on a sugar house

Photovoltaic panels on a standing seam roof

Standing seam is the perfect fit for photovoltaics

Log cabin in Lenox, MA

Wrap-around porch lake house

Perfect solution to today's high efficiency building standards

Complicated valley details and transitions are our specialty

Contemporary construction standing seam in Black

Custom stainless steel chimney caps_edited.JPG

Custom stainless steel chimney caps

Historic west Cummington Congregational church preheat here's galvalume_edited.J

Historic west Cummington Congregational church with galvalume

Log Cabin in Lenox MA_edited.JPG

Log Cabin in Lenox MA



Westhampton Congregational Church steeple_edited.JPG

Westhampton Congregational Church steeple

Preweathered galvalume standing seam on New England farm house_edited.JPG

Preweathered galvalume standing seam on New England farm house

Metal Siding

Metal siding

Natural Siding and patina green roofing_edited.JPG

Natural siding and patina green roofing

Outlook Farm, Westhampton, MA

Outlook Farm, Westhampton, MA

Corrugated roofing and metal siding for a maintenance free building_edited.JPG

Corrugated roofing and metal siding for a maintenance free building_edited.JPG

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